
Racism can often be hidden below the surface. Because of this reason Harvard University created a Project Implicit bias test , the University of Virginia, and the University of Washington, and was designed to both find hidden racism, and to raise awareness of how even among the best of people.

This test is also available online test,and the test takes approximately 10 minutes to complete, and starts with questions about your own race, and any biases you believe you might have upfront. After that point, you’re shown a variety of images and asked to rate them on criteria including smart, lazy or failure as quickly as you can. The speed is an important factor, because the test tries to measure initial reactions.

From 11 million tests finished so far, the researches have concluded that we “don’t have complete access to our own minds,” meaning that there is a deep subconscious level of racism, notably in all directions from all sorts of people.

You can do the Project Implicit bias test here if the site is up when you click through.

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