Dubai's government has received $10 billion from its neighbor Abu Dhabi  which are known to be rich in oil, the amount will help pay debts owed by the struggling Dubai World conglomerate.  It has been said that the deadline to repay a pile of debt from its Nakheel property division will be on Monday. The bailout money amounted to $4.1 billion of the will be used to pay off those bills.

Dubai's government said: "We are here today to reassure investors, financial and trade creditors, employees and our citizens that our government will act at all times in accordance with market principles and internationally accepted business practices," Sheik Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum, chairman of the Dubai supreme fiscal committee, said in a statement.

"Our best days are yet to come." Accordingly the key test of the emirate's creditworthiness is its ability to repay what was it owed from  existing trade creditors and contractors. However, some of the funds will be used to apportion Dubai Worl's interest expenses and other business. It was also added, the United Arab Emirates' central bank, based in the federation's capital, Abu Dhabi, is prepared to provide support to local banks.

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Dexter is dubbed as "America's favorite serial killer." in a Showtime Original Series.The story is about a man who works within the entity of the criminal justice system. However, the character of Dexter has the inclination to kill those people already suspected of being guilty of a crime and thus making him a kind of serial killer.
Singer Taylor Swift has always been known for her long, loose curls. The curls that gave her the innocent look that was probably more appealing to her mostly young audience.

 However, based on the reports from theboot.com, Taylor was seen in New York City recently, showing off her brand new look…Straight hair.

Just recently; the country singer appeared to have traded in her trademark curls hair for straight hair during a night out on the town. Taylor new hairdo has come just in time for Taylor’s 20th birthday celebration, which is said to be this Sunday, December 13th.

Taylor udated her Twitter page after hanging out with actress Emma Stone. Swift wrote, “Photo shoot all day, followed by dinner with Emma Stone.”

She said they had toured around in a candy store like wide-eyed kids.
PRESIDENT OBAMA in accepting the Nobel Peace Prize on Thursday, he described himself as less worthy than prize-winning predecessors, including Martin Luther King Jr.and activists for peace and advocates for human rights imprisoned or persecuted around the globe .

Some of the Highlight of his Speech 

"I receive this honor with deep gratitude and great humility. It is an award that speaks to our highest aspirations that for all the cruelty and hardship of our world, we are not mere prisoners of fate. Our actions matter, and can bend history in the direction of justice."

"And yet I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge the considerable controversy that your generous decision has generated." (Laughter.)

"In part, this is because I am at the beginning, and not the end, of my labors on the world stage."

"And then there are the men and women around the world who have been jailed and beaten in the pursuit of justice; those who toil in humanitarian organizations to relieve suffering; the unrecognized millions whose quiet acts of courage and compassion inspire even the most hardened cynics. I cannot argue with those who find these men and women — some known, some obscure to all but those they help — to be far more deserving of this honor than I."

"But perhaps the most profound issue surrounding my receipt of this prize is the fact that I am the Commander-in-Chief of the military of a nation in the midst of two wars."

"One of these wars is winding down."

"The other is a conflict that America did not seek; one in which we are joined by 42 other countries — including Norway — in an effort to defend ourselves and all nations from further attacks."

"Still, we are at war, and I’m responsible for the deployment of thousands of young Americans to battle in a distant land."

"Some will kill, and some will be killed. And so I come here with an acute sense of the costs of armed conflict — filled with difficult questions about the relationship between war and peace, and our effort to replace one with the other."

"Now these questions are not new. War, in one form or another, appeared with the first man. At the dawn of history, its morality was not questioned; it was simply a fact, like drought or disease — the manner in which tribes and then civilizations sought power and settled their differences."

"The concept of a "just war" emerged, suggesting that war is justified only when certain conditions were met: if it is waged as a last resort or in self-defense; if the force used is proportional; and if, whenever possible, civilians are spared from violence."

"And so, a quarter century after the United States Senate rejected the League of Nations — an idea for which Woodrow Wilson received this prize — America led the world in constructing an architecture to keep the peace: a Marshall Plan and a United Nations, mechanisms to govern the waging of war, treaties to protect human rights, prevent genocide, restrict the most dangerous weapons."

"The ideals of liberty and self-determination, equality and the rule of law have haltingly advanced. We are the heirs of the fortitude and foresight of generations past, and it is a legacy for which my own country is rightfully proud."

"And yet, a decade into a new century, this old architecture is buckling under the weight of new threats. The world may no longer shudder at the prospect of war between two nuclear superpowers, but proliferation may increase the risk of catastrophe. Terrorism has long been a tactic, but modern technology allows a few small men with outsized rage to murder innocents on a horrific scale."

"We must begin by acknowledging the hard truth: We will not eradicate violent conflict in our lifetimes."

"I make this statement mindful of what Martin Luther King Jr. said in this same ceremony years ago: "Violence never brings permanent peace. It solves no social problem: it merely creates new and more complicated ones." As someone who stands here as a direct consequence of Dr. King’s life work, I am living testimony to the moral force of non-violence. I know there’s nothing weak — nothing passive — nothing naïve — in the creed and lives of Gandhi and King."

"Evil does exist in the world. A non-violent movement could not have halted Hitler’s armies. Negotiations cannot convince al Qaeda’s leaders to lay down their arms. To say that force may sometimes be necessary is not a call to cynicism — it is a recognition of history; the imperfections of man and the limits of reason."

"Whatever mistakes we have made, the plain fact is this: The United States of America has helped underwrite global security for more than six decades with the blood of our citizens and the strength of our arms. The service and sacrifice of our men and women in uniform has promoted peace and prosperity from Germany to Korea, and enabled democracy to take hold in places like the Balkans. We have borne this burden not because we seek to impose our will. We have done so out of enlightened self-interest — because we seek a better future for our children and grandchildren, and we believe that their lives will be better if others’ children and grandchildren can live in freedom and prosperity."

"The leaders and soldiers of NATO countries, and other friends and allies, demonstrate this truth through the capacity and courage they’ve shown in Afghanistan. But in many countries, there is a disconnect between the efforts of those who serve and the ambivalence of the broader public. I understand why war is not popular, but I also know this: The belief that peace is desirable is rarely enough to achieve it. Peace requires responsibility. Peace entails sacrifice. That’s why NATO continues to be indispensable. That’s why we must strengthen U.N. and regional peacekeeping, and not leave the task to a few countries. That’s why we honor those who return home from peacekeeping and training abroad to Oslo and Rome; to Ottawa and Sydney; to Dhaka and Kigali — we honor them not as makers of war, but of wagers — but as wagers of peace."

"Even as we make difficult decisions about going to war, we must also think clearly about how we fight it. The Nobel Committee recognized this truth in awarding its first prize for peace to Henry Dunant — the founder of the Red Cross, and a driving force behind the Geneva Conventions."

"Where force is necessary, we have a moral and strategic interest in binding ourselves to certain rules of conduct. And even as we confront a vicious adversary that abides by no rules, I believe the United States of America must remain a standard bearer in the conduct of war. That is what makes us different from those whom we fight. That is a source of our strength. That is why I prohibited torture. That is why I ordered the prison at Guantanamo Bay closed. And that is why I have reaffirmed America’s commitment to abide by the Geneva Conventions. We lose ourselves when we compromise the very ideals that we fight to defend." (Applause.)

"This brings me to a second point — the nature of the peace that we seek. For peace is not merely the absence of visible conflict. Only a just peace based on the inherent rights and dignity of every individual can truly be lasting.It was this insight that drove drafters of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights after the Second World War. In the wake of devastation, they recognized that if human rights are not protected, peace is a hollow promise."

President Barack Obama  is to be awarded by the Norwegian Nobel Committee for the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize for his governmental efforts and visions to strengthen international cooperation and diplomacy among nations.

The Norwegian Nobel Committe Committee louded Obama's vision and work for a world without nuclear weapons and they praised his pledges to reduce the world stock of nuclear arms. The President created a new climate in international politics and strengthen its role in combating climate change. The President  promised to ease U.S. conflicts with Muslim nations. 

For the Obama's beliefs dialogue and negotiations are preferred as instruments for resolving differences even the most difficult international conflicts.

With these views, democracy and human rights are paving its way in the international community. The vision of global community free from nuclear weapons has powerfully stimulated.(Facts Source:CNN)


Wonder Girls were scheduled on this day December 9 to appear on the U.S.-based FOX network’s reality show “So You Think You Can Dance” as guests.

The Wonder Girls will release a new album in February with producer and musician Dave Stewart.Wonder Girls is a Korean pop group and has had No. 1 hits with the songs “Tell Me” and “So Hot.”

Stewart said his collaboration with the Wonder Girls on Twitter on Saturday along with a short demo of “Always Without Me,” which will be on the Girls’ new album.

The Wonder Girls has been popular in the U.S. with their catchy song "Nobody" attracting both young and old fans with their cute and easy-to-follow dance moves and lyrics.

The five-member band, which became the first Korean singers to enter the Billboard Hot 100 in October, will sing their hit number "Nobody" along with Kris Allen, the season eight American Idol winner. Allen will perform his newest single ``Live Like We're Dying.

Tiger Woods, an Aussie golfer has posted an apology to his web site.

"I have not been true to my values and the behavior my family deserves," Tiger said on his Web site, the Internet being the confessional of the 21st century.

"I am not without faults and I am far short of perfect," he wrote. "I am dealing with my behavior and personal failings behind closed doors with my family. Those feelings should be shared by us alone."
Tiger Woods, "I have let my family down and I regret those transgressions with all of my heart." He also rejects rumors that his wife hit or scratched him before his car accident: "The stories in particular that physical violence played any role in the car accident were utterly false and malicious." Over the past week rumors of multiple affairs have trickled out, including the release of racy text messages and a voicemail that seems to implicate Woods. The golfer has been linked to Rachel Uchitel, Jaimee Grubbs and Kalika Moquin.


I have let my family down and I regret those transgressions with all of my heart. I have not been true to my values and the behavior my family deserves. I am not without faults and I am far short of perfect. I am dealing with my behavior and personal failings behind closed doors with my family. Those feelings should be shared by us alone.

Although I am a well-known person and have made my career as a professional athlete, I have been dismayed to realize the full extent of what tabloid scrutiny really means. For the last week, my family and I have been hounded to expose intimate details of our personal lives. The stories in particular that physical violence played any role in the car accident were utterly false and malicious. Elin has always done more to support our family and shown more grace than anyone could possibly expect.

But no matter how intense curiosity about public figures can be, there is an important and deep principle at stake which is the right to some simple, human measure of privacy. I realize there are some who don't share my view on that. But for me, the virtue of privacy is one that must be protected in matters that are intimate and within one's own family. Personal sins should not require press releases and problems within a family shouldn't have to mean public confessions.

Whatever regrets I have about letting my family down have been shared with and felt by us alone. I have given this a lot of reflection and thought and I believe that there is a point at which I must stick to that principle even though it's difficult.

I will strive to be a better person and the husband and father that my family deserves. For all of those who have supported me over the years, I offer my profound apology.

I have let my family down and I regret those transgressions with all of my heart. I have not been true to my values and the behavior my family deserves. I am not without faults and I am far short of perfect. I am dealing with my behavior and personal failings behind closed doors with my family. Those feelings should be shared by us alone.

Although I am a well-known person and have made my career as a professional athlete, I have been dismayed to realize the full extent of what tabloid scrutiny really means. For the last week, my family and I have been hounded to expose intimate details of our personal lives. The stories in particular that physical violence played any role in the car accident were utterly false and malicious. Elin has always done more to support our family and shown more grace than anyone could possibly expect.

But no matter how intense curiosity about public figures can be, there is an important and deep principle at stake which is the right to some simple, human measure of privacy. I realize there are some who don't share my view on that. But for me, the virtue of privacy is one that must be protected in matters that are intimate and within one's own family. Personal sins should not require press releases and problems within a family shouldn't have to mean public confessions.

Whatever regrets I have about letting my family down have been shared with and felt by us alone. I have given this a lot of reflection and thought and I believe that there is a point at which I must stick to that principle even though it's difficul

I will strive to be a better person and the husband and father that my family deserves. For all of those who have supported me over the years, I offer my profound apology.


Min Lwin, a director-general in the Myanmar Foreign Ministry told reporters at the Manila airport, the Myanmar's military-ruled government has a plan to release the  pro-democracy icon Aung San Suu Ky soon . Min Lwin relates to reporters after he attend a two-day meeting of fellow diplomats from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and the United States before boarding a flight to Singapore en route to Yangon.

Aung Suu Kyi. the Nobel Peace Prize laureate  has been detained for 14 of the past 20 years, and not been able to speak publicly since she was last taken into detention in May 2003.

Recently, the court sentenced Aung San Suu Kyi, the 64-year-old to an additional 18 months of house arrest for briefly sheltering an uninvited American in a trial that drew global condemnation.

Min Lwin relayed to reporters that the junta intends to free Suu Kyi soon. But officials have given no time frame and have made no real moves to release her despite hinting they would.

Although there is no indication that the government would allow Suu Kyi to run in the election. Since Myanmar's constitution provide provisions that bar Suu Kyi from holding office and ensure the military a controlling stake in government.

The National League for Democracy, Suu Kyi political party has not yet decided  if they would take part in the polls.(Facts Source: Associated Press)


Malik Nadal Hasan, a soldier who opened fire at the U.S Fort. Hood Army base in Texas.He killed 12 people and wounding 31 in a shooting spree with the help of two army officers.

Major Malik Nadal Hasan, 39, a soldier who has pending deployment to Iraq, and he was overheard speaking negatively about America's role in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. The authorities killed the gunman, and apprehended two other soldiers suspected in what appears to be the worst mass shooting at a U.S. military base.

The shooting began around 1:30 p.m., Lt. Gen. Bob Cone said at a news conference. He said all the casualties took place at the base's Soldier Readiness Center, where soldiers who are about to be deployed or who are returning undergo medical screening.

Malik Nadal Hassan is a psychiatrist who worked at Walter Reed for six years (and got a poor performance evaluation there). Hasan was transferred to Ft. Hood and worked at the psych ward there. He complained about deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan.


U.S President, Barack Obama vows to help the tribal groups in America in furtherance of pursuing the American dream. The president  told the leaders of 564 federally recognised tribes at the Tribal Nations Conference in Washington that few US groups "have been more marginalised and ignored by Washington for as long as native Americans". With this,he is committed to giving their communities a equal opportunity to pursue the "American dream". 

In his speech on Thursday: "I know that you may be sceptical that this time will be any different, you have every right to be.I want you to know now that I am absolutely committed to moving forward with you in forging a new and better future together.It's a commitment to getting this relationship right so that you can be full partners in the American economy and so your children and grandchildren can have an equal shot at pursuing the American dream."

Obama signed a document giving US government agencies 90 days to submit proposals on methods ways to improve consultation with leaders of native American communities.

The Native Social Condition

The American tribal groups suffered from high levels of unemployment and poverty. Obama also acknowledged that some native American reservations have unemployment rates of about 80 per cent and that about one quarter of people living on reservations are mired in poverty.

Obama relayed: I know you've heard this song from Washington before, I get it. I am on your side. I understand what it means to be an outsider. I was born to a teenage mother. My father left when I was two years old. I know what it means to feel ignored and forgotten and what it means to struggle. So you will not be forgotten as long as I am in this White House."

With this,  the president hoped that improved communication and consultation between the US government and tribal groups would help improve the lives of native Americans. (Facts Source: Aljazeera)

The court awarding Patch family in the amount of $850,000 for the death of their son Brandon  Patch  on 2003 in a baseball game. Brandon Patch, 18 years old, was a pitcher, who died when a baseball hit by an aluminum bat struck him in the head and died within hours after suffering the head injury. Patch’s family sued the bat maker.

The maker of baseball bat of Louisville Slugger failed to warn the dangers the product can pose,  with this, the Lewis and Clark County District Court jury awarded a total of $850,000 in damages against Louisville, Ky., compensation were ordered  Hillerich & Bradsby for failure to place warnings on the product.

Brandon mother, Debbie Patch was surprised by the verdict since she never expected it. The family rejoiced and cried as the verdict was read. Patch said: "We never expected it," she said. "We just hoped we could get the truth out for more people to see." She hopes the decision will make more people aware of the dangers associated with aluminum bats and that more youth leagues will switch to using wooden bats.  "We just want to save someone else's life," Patch added.

The family of Brandon Patch argued that aluminum baseball bats are dangerous because they cause the baseball to travel at a greater speed. They contended that their 18-year-old son did not have enough time to react to the ball being struck before it hit him in the head while he was pitching in an American Legion baseball game in Helena in 2003.

Curt Drake, one of the family's attorneys, said the jury arrived at the total by awarding $792,000 to Brandon Patch for his lost earnings and pain and suffering, an amount that goes to his estate. The family was awarded $58,000 for their pain and suffering and damages. The attorney added, the family's victory will not likely change the way aluminum bats are used, but that it could help give momentum to efforts calling for a switch to wood bats in youth baseball.

On the contrary, the spokesman, Rick Redman relayed that for the legendary bat-maker said  the company did nothing wrong and the verdict "appears to be an indictment of the entire sport of baseball." "We made a bat in accordance with the rules," . "That bat was approved for play by baseball's organizing and governing organizations." 

However, the Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association's Don't Take My Bat Away Program, a sporting goods trade group, said that while it is true that the death of Brandon patch is tragic, the exact same thing could have happened with a wooden bat.

The jury also decided the product was not defective as cited in the verdict. Drake said that decision was not significant, since the jury found it posed a threat without an adequate warning label. (Facts Source: Associated Press)

The International Boxing Organization or IBO urged a challenge to Manny Pacquiao to defend his junior welterweight title or be uncrowned for the upcoming fight with Cotto. Pacquiao is scheduled to fight Miguel Cotto in a mega welterweight bout in Las Vegas on November 14. The IBO title is the only current belt Pacquiao holds.

Ed Levine, the IBO President relayed that: "Manny Pacquiao was notified that he will be given time to decide whether to defend his championship at 140 pounds or vacate the title," "He is still well within his time requirements to make a title defence in the weight class. So, we'll allow him a chance to decide and notify us."

With the IBO rules, "all champions, with the exception of the heavyweight champion, shall defend their title at least once every nine months unless medically excused for valid cause and/or at the sole and absolute discretion of the IBO.

From Pacquiao's record, he has one previous fight at welterweight, scoring a technical knockout win over Oscar De La Hoya last year.  Since turning pro 14 years ago he has competed at least once in every weight class from junior flyweight (108 pounds) to lightweight (135 pounds). In 2005, his score is 49-3-2 with 37 knockouts and is unbeaten since a losing to Erik Morales. (Facts Source: Mnila Bulletin)



Racism can often be hidden below the surface. Because of this reason Harvard University created a Project Implicit bias test , the University of Virginia, and the University of Washington, and was designed to both find hidden racism, and to raise awareness of how even among the best of people.

This test is also available online test,and the test takes approximately 10 minutes to complete, and starts with questions about your own race, and any biases you believe you might have upfront. After that point, you’re shown a variety of images and asked to rate them on criteria including smart, lazy or failure as quickly as you can. The speed is an important factor, because the test tries to measure initial reactions.

From 11 million tests finished so far, the researches have concluded that we “don’t have complete access to our own minds,” meaning that there is a deep subconscious level of racism, notably in all directions from all sorts of people.

You can do the Project Implicit bias test here if the site is up when you click through.

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by Spurl.net
    The Motorola Droid is into the release of a smartphone on November 6. It will be $199 with a two-year contract and a $100 mail-in rebate (just a note, Verizon, those are terribly annoying). Apparently, the Droid will be more than one phone; it will be a line of Android phones coming from Verizon, the next one being the Droid Eris.

    Engadget: relayed: That big screen is killer. Bright, crisp, and tons of room for your icons and widgets. The Speed is noticeably improved -- particularly when moving from app to app. We did notice that some of the home screen scrolling looked laggy…. Android 2.0 is definitely cleaned up -- but it's most definitely still Android.”

    Boy Genius Report: "When the Motorola Droid is released in the coming couple weeks, it will be the most advanced Android device on the market as far as specifications go.... We love the build quality of this phone. It's mostly metal, and while it's heavy, it gives you a reassuring quality feel that you just don't find much nowadays as handsets get thinner, lighter, smaller, and cheaper.... It's the largest capacitive screen we've ever seen and it's positively amazing. It's crisp, sharp, vibrant, bright, and really, really responsive.... Sure, there's a little hype sprinkled in because this is the first Android 2.0 device I've had the pleasure of using, but once you move past the initial "wow" factor, the Droid really delivers."

    CNET: The Droid is a real competitor to Apple's device. Perhaps one of the top highlights of Android 2.0 is the expanded capabilities of the personal information management tools, including e-mail, calendar, and contacts. The Droid now offers native Microsoft Exchange synchronization out of the box for e-mail, calendar, and contacts, in addition to support for Gmail and POP3 and IMAP accounts."

    Engadget: "That big screen is killer. Bright, crisp, and tons of room for your icons and widgets.... Speed is noticeably improved -- particularly when moving from app to app. We did notice that some of the home screen scrolling looked laggy.... Android 2.0 is definitely cleaned up -- but it's most definitely still Android."
    Boy Genius Report: "When the Motorola Droid is released in the coming couple weeks, it will be the most advanced Android device on the market as far as specifications go.... We love the build quality of this phone. It's mostly metal, and while it's heavy, it gives you a reassuring quality feel that you just don't find much nowadays as handsets get thinner, lighter, smaller, and cheaper.... It's the largest capacitive screen we've ever seen and it's positively amazing. It's crisp, sharp, vibrant, bright, and really, really responsive.... Sure, there's a little hype sprinkled in because this is the first Android 2.0 device I've had the pleasure of using, but once you move past the initial "wow" factor, the Droid really delivers."
    Gizmodo: "Not to mix droid metaphors here, but I feel like it's the phone Darth Vader would use. And after a couple of minutes using it, I'm still excited about it.... It's not a light phone-it's mostly metal and glass, which is why it has that little chin on the bottom (for the RF antennas).... You can really feel the screen's extra resolution-it's nicer than the Moment's AMOLED screen.... Facebook powers are built-in, and contacts integration isn't all or nothing like the Pre-you can assign by groups and stuff."

    This Motorola Droid comes with an 3.2-inch HVGA screen, Wi-Fi, 5-MPx camera, and a GPS receiver, but no hardware keyboard. This model has the code-name HTC Desire, and it was under that designation that it received FCC approval late last month. It will run Google’s Android OS, but the standard user interface will be replaced with HTC Sense.

    Originally, Halloween is a modern-day holiday originating in the Celtic pagan holiday of Samhain (in Christian times, the eve of All Saints Day). The custom of wearing costumes and masks at Halloween goes back to Celtic traditions of attempting to copy the evil spirits or placate them,

    What sets Halloween costumes apart from costumes for other celebrations or days of dressing up is that they are often designed to imitate supernatural and scary beings. Costumes are traditionally those of monsters such as vampires, ghosts, skeletons, witches, and devils, or in more recent years such science fiction-inspired characters as aliens and superheroes

    While, in Scotland for instance where the dead were impersonated by young men with masked, veiled or blackened faces, dressed in white.In US, in the early 1900s, costuming became popular for Halloween parties, as often for adults as for children.

    Costuming became popular for Halloween parties in the The first mass-produced Halloween costumes appeared in stores in the 1930s when trick-or-treating was becoming popular in the United States.

    Costumes are varied, there are  also costumes of pop culture figures like presidents, athletes, celebrities, or film, television, and cartoon characters. Another popular trend is for women (and in some cases, men) to use Halloween as an excuse to wear sexy or revealing costumes, showing off more skin than would be socially acceptable otherwise.

    The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) reported that the storm—internationally designated as “Mirinae”—had developed into a typhoon with peak winds of 140 kilometers per hour gusting up to 170 kph. On Wednesday, at 10 p.m. PAGASA located Mirinae in the Pacific 1,210 km east of Central Luzon, moving west at 24 kph.

    Forecaster Robert Sawi said that Mirinae—locally named “Santi” as it entered the Philippine area of responsibility late Wednesday—was likely to hit northern or central Luzon on Saturday.

    Pagasa advised residents in low-lying areas and near mountain slopes with storm signals to take precautionary measures against possible flashfloods and landslides.

    Polillo Island is under Signal No. 2 while the provinces of Isabela, Ifugao, Aurora, Quirino, Nueva Vizcaya, Nueva Ecija, Bulacan, Rizal, Quezon, Camarines Norte, and Camarines Sur are under Signal No. 1, according to the latest bulletin by the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (Pagasa).

    The US President, during an address to military servicemen and women in Florida has said that he will not rush a decision whether to send thousands of military troops to Afghanistan.

    The President relayed in his speech at  Naval Air Station in Jacksonville: "I will never hesitate to use force to protect the American people or our vital interests, I also promise you this - and this is very important as we consider our next steps in Afghanistan,"

    He further added, "I will never rush the solemn decision of sending you into harm's way .I won't risk your lives unless it is absolutely necessary, and if it is necessary, we will back you up. This address came after the meeting on future military strategy in Afghanistan by the bipartisan war council. The US president is considering whether to agree to a reported request by the senior commander of US and Nato forces in Afghanistan to have 40,000 US military troops sent to the country to fight over on resurgent fighters linked to the Taliban and al-Qaeda.


    Despite the departure of Senator Francis "Chiz" Escudero from the Nationalist People's Coalition (NPC) as the prospective standard bearer,Senator Loren Legarda is staying with the party.

    Pangasinan Representative Mark Cojaungco told to reporters who received a call from Legarda Wednesday morning after a few minutes of Escudero's announcement in Club Filipino in Greenhills, San Juan City. Rep. Mark Cojuangco is the son of NPC head Eduardo "Danding" Cojuangco. Cojuangco said he was surprised by Escudero's announcement. As far as he knows, there was no reason for the senator to leave the party.

    Further, He said Legarda gave him the go-signal to announce to the media that she is staying with the NPC. Earlier, Legarda has announced that she is seeking the vice presidential post.


     Leaders of the East Asian countries are forming now a EU style bloc. The 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) summit, which opened at the Thai beach resort of Hua Hin on Friday.

    The Asean's former secretary-general, Rodolfo Severino,  discussed with the AFP news agency: "It is coming together." The bloc proposeal for the so-called East Asian Community project was mooted by Yukio Hatoyama, the Japanese prime minister, to fellow leaders at the summit, saying the region should aspire to "lead the world". Although Japan is not a member of Asean bloc, however if the proposal materialises, other countries along with South Korea, China, India, Australia and New Zealand - would be part of Asean, which includes Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam. Other Asean member states are Brunei Darussalam, Burma, Cambodia, the Philippines and Cambodia.
    Severino added: "It's not just Asia coming together economically but politically as well. The more integrated you are, the more forceful you are," Becauce with the Asean it is already committed to setting up a single Southeast Asian free trade zone by 2015, creating a bloc with a total GDP of more than $1 trillion.

    Source: Aljazeera news live
    The Philippine Supreme Court discarded the requirement for party-list representatives to win at least two percent of the votes because it “frustrates the attainment of the permissive ceiling that 20 percent of the members of the House of Representatives shall consist of party-list representatives.” With this the Supreme Court in a ruling paved the way for expansion of of party-list representatives from 22 (from 16 party-list groups) to 55.
    The US President, Barack Obama said the bombs showed the attackers' " hateful and destructive" agenda.
    The US President said "I strongly condemn these outrageous attacks on the Iraqi people, and send my deepest condolences to those who have lost loved ones," he in a statement released by the White House.

    "These bombings serve no purpose other than the murder of innocent men, women and children, and they only reveal the hateful and destructive agenda of those who would deny the Iraqi people the future that they deserve."  He telephoned both al-Maliki and Talabani to offer his condolences.

    The US secretary of state,Hillary Clinton, added : "These despicable terrorist attacks seek to undermine the impressive progress that Iraq has made towards stability and self-reliance." Further, she continues the Washington "will continue to support the people and government of Iraq in fighting terrorism".

    The August 19, 2009 blasts: